One sided love

How many of us have been in a one sided relationship or experienced one sided love? I’ll raise my hand, been there and done that. So, tell me, why are we doing that very thing to God?

His love for us is eternal. His love for us is unconditional. He loves us at our best AND at our worst. Can we say the same? Are we praising him even when times are tough? Are we unconditional in our praise?

I’m learning so much from my time as a caregiver and now I know why God sent me here. No, it doesn’t pay squat. I’m stretching pennies here; however, it is providing me with abundant riches of knowledge and growth. My newest patient can be credited with showing me great spiritual strength. A woman whom is riddled with scars and plagued with muscle spasms. She is chair bound and struggles to speak, yet, she says “praise God” every chance she gets.

If I answer that I’ve had a good night she replied “praise God” with a big smile. If I find the other earring to match her outfit, “praise God”. And it doesn’t end there. When changing her catheter or giving a shot her husband and her pray over it before proceeding and praise God when done.

It’s opened my eyes so much. Am I praising god not only for the good AND the bad, but am I also praising him for the little things as well as the big things? I can honestly say I’ve been lacking there. I make another step in my relationship with the Lord.

Praise Him.


Never cry over spilled milk

I missed updating the past two days due to shattering my phone screen. It was one of those moments where you are fighting to get your child out of the car, trying to control the dog on its leash, balancing a pizza in the other hand, and absolutely exhausted from not sleeping the night before working a long day. The metaphorical straw on the camel’s back and I wanted to scream. Lol. Thank goodness for phone insurance and helpful family.

I used an old phone as a stand in for mine. A slow old phone. But the next day, first thing in the morning, I go see my wonderful new patient. It wasn’t an eventful morning. Light chit chat ensued whole I bathed and dressed her. When I went to leave she asked if she could pray for me. Here is someone who struggles to get words out and she asks to pray for and with me. I was honored. Of course I obliged no matter if it made me late. It was a beautiful prayer and a beautiful moment.

I’m that moment, I believe God was reminding me not to be upset over small things. He was reminding me of the beauty in this world.

God is so good.

Message received

A friend of mine fowarded some information on companies that will pay individuals to teach English abroad. With my moving forward in an unpaid missionary position, it does seem tempting. Do I look for a paid position that is not centered in spreading the word of christ, or do I continue with an unpaid position that is focused on spreading God’s glory? I have to remind myself that the “responsible” choice doesn’t matter if it isn’t God’s plan.

Today, I was assigned a new patient for my mornings. I arrived at the house ans was greeted by the husband. He walked me through the house and explained the routine. He expressed that his only concern is that she be taken care of, kept beautiful, and happy.

As I laid out her clothes, prepared her bath supplies, and woke her for her bath, I realized how difficult it was for her to even form words. Despite the struggle her first sentence to me was ” are…you…a…christian?” I smiled and replied ” yes. Yes ma’am, I am.”

She asked me several questions about my life- how old I am, if I’m married, if I have children- and we came to the point where I mentions my possible future missionary work. She then tells me about her home country in Africa. She tells me that God will bless me for doing his work.

I smile inwardly and think ‘okay God. Message received, loud and clear‘.

In His Name,


Times are changing

I get so blinded by my cycle that I don’t realize what I might miss if it were suddenly gone. I’m guilty of this all the time without even noticing it. I’m a creature of habit. I like mixing things up and having variety but even with huge changes I always rely on that invisible checklist inside my head. It’s the routine of making a routine.
Whether it’s been one day or 50 days make a routine… and it blinds me inadvertently.

Monday came and I expected the usual; wake up, drop my daughter and my dog off, go to work, care for my patients, go home, make dinner, watch some tv, go to bed, repeat. Only, it didn’t happen that way. I got a call from the office cancelling me. One patient has been in the hospital about two weeks already but she was in physical therapy. Now, the other is gone too? I started to review all his behaviors, all of his subtle actions ans expressions, trying to think of what may have happened. Ultimately, I still had no idea but I had concocted several possibilities in my imagination.
Tuesday comes and I’m cancelled again. What’d going on? Is he okay? He was fine friday!

I’m given a fill in patient to recoup some of my lost hours. The office tells me the patient prefers only black caregivers but that I can “pass” for really, really, really lightskin. Gee… thanks for trying to ‘Rachel Dozol’ me. Anyway, when I show up the daughter answers the door. I politely introduce myself, the company that sent me, and adress the patients name that I was there to care for. I’m answered with an abrupt “Who?” I restate my name and company only to hear the reply “for what?”. Do I detect the undertone of an ever so slight snarl? I think to myself. “To be her caregiver… to care for her”, I answer. I’m turned away at the door while the daughter calls the office and tells me there is no work to be done because I arrived ‘too early’ (the time the office gave me). Later I find out she turned away the little -presumably- white girl and would not budge on the issue. I giggle a little inwardly, she has no idea, all she sees is peach skin.

Back home I go with zero hours on my paycheck still. Another call is made to cancel me for Wednesday. I’m in a state of limbo here. I can’t begin to construct even a temporary routine, the thing I depend on mentally, while everyting is up in the air. It’s driving me insane.

Finally I get some information. It’s the information I didn’t want but at least it’s something. Patient A is coming home and I go back to work Thursday. Patient B isn’t coming home. He’s had a stroke and several complications. He’s being admitted to a full time facility. The last time I will ever see the patient that had begun to be a sort of extended family was Friday and I didn’t even know it. I didn’t say goodbye. I wonder if he’ll even remember I was ever here. Afterall, he thinks it’s thirty-or-so years in the past.

Fast forward to now, here I am back at work. While, yes, I’m still sad, it’s more of an undertone now that I can focus on constructing a new routine. This is what I depend on. This is how I cope. It’s how I’ve survived the worst and how I make it through any situation. But now, I also rely on prayer. I rely on God, though checklists are my distraction and my coping, God is how I know it there’s a tomorrow to have a a routine for. It’s my trust in God that grounds me in chaos because he has a plan even when I don’t.

Trust in him.


Waiting game

I am still waiting on one of my references to get returned to the organization so that we can move forward with interviews. After that whole process we should be able to see where I would fit best for an assignment, narrow down a country, and THEN get a budget together. Unfortunately, until then I can’t really write any sponsor letters or know where I’m at budget wise. *let sigh*.  Rome wasn’t built in a day. All in due time.

In His name.

The mission begins NOW.

My mission does not begin when I board a plane overseas. My mission begins now. The moment I decided to answer God’s call my mission began. I’m all in. I’ve decided and committed body and soul to this mission. Only one thing… I’m still trying to figure things out.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m partnering with a great organization that is very experienced. They have been sending missionaries to about 80 countries for years. It’s not the actual overseas mission part I’m figuring out though, it’s the garnering support part that has me stumped.
I’m waiting to narrow down what country they will be sending me to in order to get a budget amount in which I have to have 100% of to leave. I’m condensing my belongings and selling what I can for funding. My work doesn’t pay enough to allow for savings. So, I’m beginning to attempt to reach out for sponsorships and donations. It’s difficult. I’m not seeing much interest or generosity in bettering the world. What has happened to us? How did we become so selfish and uncaring? How did we learn to shut out the world’s problems and turn a blind eye to our fellow man’s suffering?
None the less, I will perisist. I have faith in God and in my fellow man. I’m going to attempt to contact some local church’s for sponsorship and partnerships.

This is something I have to do. I feel it in my bones. I know it in my soul. So I have to make it happen.

In His Name.

Finding Myself By Getting Lost

In 2015 I met the real me. I got to know myself, and I’m still learning things about myself everyday. The year 2015 my year of discovery,  my year of awkening. I’ve only begun to scratch the surface and so I’ve decided to get lost on purpose this time in order to find the real me. I’m thrusting myself into a world unknown to me. It will test my faith, surely, but I feel it will strengthen me even moreso.

I have committed my soul and in the following months I will take the steps to make my missionary journey a reality. Every aspect of this decision is something completely new to me. It both scares and excites me. The element of uncertainty is what leaves many of those around me wondering if I’ve gone mad; however, it is something that am absolutely certain I need to do for myself, my God, my child, and the world we all live in.

I’ll be chronicling my journey in hopes that it may help others thinking about taking their own leaps of faith.